★Titles Archive★ |
 | 39! | This one was a gimmie, just play the game.
 | Real Deal | Rank 50 is pretty easy in the first week if you're consistent at playing.
 | Pro | Rank 100, starting to get up there...
 | Platinum | Rank 200... I really need to touch grass now
 | Regular | This one was suprisingly annoying because 30 straight days are insane for someone like me
 | Old Skool | A year of hell!!
 | Cover Artist | Is now a good time to mention I'm trying to 100% covers (even though it's likely impossible)
 | Fan of All | I mean I am a fan of them all why else would I do this
 | Item Collector | Imagine trying to get every area to lvl 10, that would be crazy right? haha yeah...
 | I Love Them All | I love them all but Haruka will always be my no.1
 | Perfectionist | My beautiful baby that started this journey, it is maxed, of course, and I eagerly await the day I can add flowers to it
 | Safety First | Healer teams FTW
 | Carpal Tunnel | Just git gud scrub
 | Millionare | If only titles applied to real life too...
 | Full Combo 4 All! | Imma be real this one is purely luck on if your team is good or not
 | Synchronized | To get this I had to get a whole custom lobby with the intention of getting this title... Colopale why...
 | Say Hello | Nothing a lil' stamp spam won't fix
 | Hello and Goodbye | Nothing a lil' gambling won't fix
 | Stamp Collector | They act like I don't own every Haruka & Shizuku stamp (I do)
 | In the Know | Area conversations are so fun (and an incredible gem farm)
 | Read it All | I'm a bit of a lore enjoyer myself
 | 1st Year Senior High Student | Over half the game is 1st years, this is a gimmie
 | Miya Girls' Academey Student | Where all my faves go :)
 | MVP | Multi-Live gameplay is riveting
 | Trendsetter | Yeah so... I'll get into the Haruka outfit collection on a different page |
 | Looking for Friends | All my friends have such cool custom profiles... |
 | Virtual Singer Fan Club | Rank 7 |
 | Leo/Need Fan Club | Rank 5 |
 | MORE MORE Jump! Fan Club | Rank 5 |
 | Vivid BAD SquadFan Club | Rank 5 |
 | WonderlandsxShowtime Fan Club | Rank 6 |
 | Nightcord at 25:00 Fan Club | Rank 5 |